Sunday, 16 November 2008

Week Eight

Individual Progress

This week i have progressed with the creation of the instruments i have created a bass guitar and an electric guitar.

I created the Bass guitar using skills i learnt when creating and modelling my head earlier in this module, i placed and image of a guitar i found on the interned onto a plane using the material options, i then followed lines using the line tool creating a wire mesh to form the shape and converted this to an editable poly. I then created the edge faces making the guitar 3d rather then flat.

I then went on to create the rest of the guitar using various shapes and tools such as extrude. i created the strings and string tuners using cylinders and spheres. i first used the line tool to create the string on the guitars however when they were rendered the strings did not show so i resulted to using a really long and thin cylinder.

The bass guitar and electric guitar are very similar and the only things i needed to change on the bass to create the electric was to make the neck of the guitar slightly shorter, and an electric guitar has six strings instead of four. I then changed the colours and added materials and the guitars were finished.

Bass Guitar

Electric Guitar

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